langkah 1:buat dokumen baru ( Ctrl ,N)
Go to File > New.
buat dokumen dengan ukuran:
Widht : 1000 pixels
Height : 1000 pixels dengan resolusi 72 pixels
seperti dialog diatas
Step 2: Show Rulers
lalu pilih
View pada lalu pilih
Rulers, atau lagsung tekan Ctrl +R pada keyboard komputer anda
Go to View > Rulers.
Step 3:Ubah seting Ruler pada type perce
klik kanan lalu pilih percent
Step 4: Drag hingga membentuk garis horizontal dan vertical yang dimulai dari 10 percent
buat mulai dari 10%
(20%, 30%, 40%, dan seterusnya ),hingga membentuk gambar seperti dibawah:
sekarang ulangi dengan bentuk vertical hingga menjadi seperti dibawah ini :
Step 5:membuat layer kosong baru dengan nama "Grid"
klik Create New layer pada gambar sebelah kanan ( dibawah background)
Setelah membuat layer baru Double klik pada layer dan ubah nama layer menjadi "Grid" lalu klik OK:
Nama layer kini menjadi "Grid".
Step 6:Membuat garis Seleksi
Tekan Ctrl+M lalu pilih
Single Row Marquee Tool
klik dan tahan tmbol Shift pada keyboard anda (klik pada garis Hnrizontal yang sudah anda buat sebelumnya )
hingga membentuk seperti dibawah ini :
Tahan Tombol Shift dan ubah mede
Single Row Marquee Tool menjadi
Single Column Marquee Tool the list:
masih Tahan tombol Shift hingga membentuk garis Vertical seperti dibawah ini
A grid of horizontal and vertical selection outlines.
Step 7:Ubah fill dengan warna hitam
Edit menu lalu pilih
Go to Edit > Fill.
dengan tampilan Fill seperti gambar dibawah ubahlah USE menjadi hitam (Black )
setelah use diganti dengan Hitam (Black) click OK.
klik pada
Select menu dibagian atas layar lalu pilih
Deselect, untuk menghilangkan garis seleksi yang telah dibuat sebelumnya :
Go to Select > Deselect.
Then, to turn off the guides, go up to the
View menu, choose
Show, and then choose
At first, you'll see a checkmark to the left of the word Guides which
tells us the guides are currently visible. Clicking Guides will remove
the checkmark and turn the guides off:
Go to View > Show > Guides.
With the selection outlines and guides removed, we can see our black grid on the Grid layer:
The black grid lines now appear.
Step 8: Open The Photo You Want To Use With The Effect
Open the photo you'll be using with the grid effect. Here's my image:
Open the photo.
If you're using Photoshop CS3 or earlier, the photo will
automatically open in its own floating document window. If you're using
Photoshop CS4 or CS5, depending on how you have things set up in
Photoshop's Preferences, the photo may open in a tabbed document. If
that's the case, to make the next step easier, go up to the
Window menu at the top of the screen, choose
Arrange, and then choose
Float All in Windows (CS4 and CS5 only):
Go to Window > Arrange > Float All in Windows (Photoshop CS4 and CS5 only).
Step 9: Drag The Photo Into The Grid Document
Click anywhere inside the grid's document window to make it active, then click on the
Backfround layer
in the Layers panel to select it. This way, when we drag the photo into
the document, as we'll be doing in a moment, the photo will appear on
its own layer between the Background and Grid layers:
With the grid's document window selected, click on the Background layer in the Layers panel.
Now click anywhere inside the photo's document window to make it active and select the
Move Tool from the Tools panel:
Grab the Move Tool from the top of the Tools panel.
Hold down your
Shift key, then click with the Move Tool inside the photo's document window and drag the photo into the grid's document window:
With the Move Tool selected, hold Shift and drag the photo into the grid document.
Release your mouse button, then release your Shift key, and
the photo will appear centered inside the grid's document window. You
can close out of the photo's document at this point since we no longer
need it:
Holding the Shift key is what centers the photo inside the document when you drag it.
Notice that the grid appears in front of the photo. That's
because, if we look in the Layers panel, we see that the photo has been
placed on its own layer under the Grid layer, just as we wanted:
Photoshop placed the photo on a new
layer directly above the layer that was active, which is why we first
selected the Background layer.
Step 10: Resize The Photo If Needed With Free Transform
If you need to resize your photo inside the grid document, go up to the
Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose
Free Transform:
Go to Edit > Free Transform.
This places the
Free Transform
bounding box and handles around the image. If you can't see the handles
because the edges of your photo extend beyond the viewable area in the
document window, go up to the
View menu and choose
Fit on Screen:
Go to View > Fit on Screen.
Photoshop will instantly zoom the image out far enough so
that everything, including the Free Transform handles, fits inside the
document window. To resize the photo, hold down your
key, then click on any of the four corner handles and drag them.
Holding the Shift key down as you drag will maintain the original aspect
ratio of the image so you don't accidentally distort the look of it. If
you want to resize the photo from its center rather than from a
corner, hold
Shift+Alt (Win) /
(Mac) as you drag any of the corner handles. If you need to move the
image around inside the document, simply click anywhere inside the Free
Transform bounding box and drag it into place. When you're done, press
Enter (Win) /
Return (Mac) to accept the change and exit out of the Free Transform command:
Drag any of the corner handles to resize the image with Free Transform.
If you zoomed the image out a moment ago using the Fit on
Screen command and want to zoom back in now that you're done resizing
the image, go back up to the
View menu and choose
Actual Pixels (see our
Zooming and Panning in Photoshop tutorial for more info on zooming in and out of documents):
Go to View > Actual Pixels.
Step 11: Select The Grid Layer
At this point, all the initial hard work is done. We've
created our grid, we've dragged our photo into the grid's document, and
we've resized and moved the photo into position. We're ready to have
some fun colorizing the grid! First, we need to select the Grid layer,
so click on it in the Layers panel to select it:
Click on the Grid layer to make it active.
Step 12: Select The Magic Wand Tool
To colorize the grid, we need a way to select the individual squares, and we can do that using Photoshop's
Magic Wand Tool.
Select it from the Tools panel. If you're using Photoshop CS2 or
earlier, you can simply click on the Magic Wand's icon. For Photoshop
CS3 and higher, click on the
Quick Selection Tool, then hold your mouse button down until a fly-out menu appears and choose the Magic Wand from the menu:
In Photoshop CS3 and higher, the Magic Wand is hiding behind the Quick Selection Tool.
Step 13: Select The Outer Edge Squares
To select a square in the grid, make sure you have the Grid
layer selected in the Layers panel, then simply click inside the square
with the Magic Wand. A selection outline will appear around the outer
edges of the square. To then add additional squares to the selection,
hold down your
Shift key and click inside the squares
you want. Each new square you click inside of will become selected and
added to the previously selected squares. Let's begin by selecting all
the squares around the outer edge of the grid. First, click inside the
square in the top left corner of the grid. A selection outline will
appear around it:
Click inside the top left square in the grid with the Magic Wand Tool to select it.
Hold down your
Shift key and continue clicking inside each of the squares around the outer edges of the grid to add them all to the selection:
All of the outer edge squares now have selection outlines around them.
I'm going to add a few more squares to my selection as well
by again holding down my Shift key and clicking inside them to add them
to the previously selected squares. To make it easier to see which
squares I've selected, I've colorized them in yellow (this isn't part of
the effect, it's just to make it easier to see the squares I've
selected in the screenshot):
My initially selected squares.
Step 14: Add A New Layer Below The Grid Layer
We'll fill these initial squares with white, which will create a border for the effect. Hold down your
Ctrl (Win) /
Command (Mac) key and click on the
New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel:
Hold down Ctrl (Win) / Command (Mac) and click on the New Layer icon.
Normally, Photoshop adds new layers directly above the
currently selected layer, but by holding the Ctrl (Win) / Command (Mac)
key when clicking the New Layer icon, the layer is added
the currently selected layer. We can see in the Layers panel that we now
have a new blank layer between the photo on Layer 1 and the Grid layer:
The new layer appears below, not above, the Grid layer.
Step 15: Fill The Selected Squares With White
Go up to the
Edit menu at the top of the screen and once again choose the
Fill command. This time, when the Fill dialog box appears, change the
Use option to
White. Click OK when you're done:
Set the Use option to White.
Photoshop fills the selected squares with white. Deselect the squares by going up to the
Select menu and choosing
Deselect, or simply press
Ctrl+D (Win) /
Command+D (Mac) to deselect them with the keyboard shortcut:
A border of white squares appears around the image.
Step 16: Select The Grid Layer
Let's select a few different squares to colorize. First, we need have the
Grid layer
active in the Layers panel, so click on it to select it. Remember, you
always need the Grid layer selected before you can select any squares:
Click on the Grid layer to select it.
Step 17: Select Different Squares
With the Grid layer now active, click inside an initial square to select it, then hold down your
key and click inside other squares to add them to the previously
selected square(s). If you change your mind and want to remove a square
from the selection, hold down your
Alt (Win) /
(Mac) key and click inside the square to deselect it. Here once again,
I've highlighted the squares I've selected in yellow just to make them
easier to see in the screenshot:
Hold Shift and click inside a few different squares to select them.
Step 18: Select The Photo Layer
Click on the
photo's layer (Layer 1) in the Layers panel to select it:
Select the photo layer in the Layers panel.
Step 19: Colorize The Squares With A Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer
Click on the
New Adjustment Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel:
Click on the New Adjustment Layer icon.
Hue/Saturation from the list of adjustment layers that appears:
Choose Hue/Saturation from the list.
If you're using Photoshop CS4 or CS5, the controls and options for the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer will appear inside the
Adjustments Panel. In CS3 and earlier, a separate Hue/Saturation dialog box will open. First, select the
Colorize option by clicking inside its checkbox. Then, choose the color you want to colorize the selected squares with by dragging the
Hue slider. For these squares, I'm going to leave the Hue slider set all the way to the left (its default position) which selects
red. Of course, you can choose whichever color you like. To increase the color's saturation, drag the
Saturation slider towards the right. I'm going to set my Saturation value to
Keep an eye on your document as you drag the sliders to preview the
results. For Photoshop CS3 and earlier users, click OK when you're done
to close out of the dialog box:
Click the Colorize option, then choose a color with the Hue and Saturation sliders.
Step 20: Change The Blend Mode For The Adjustment Layer To Color
If we look in the Layers panel, we see the adjustment layer
sitting directly above the photo layer. Make sure it's selected
(highlighted in blue), then go up to the
Blend Mode option at the top of the Layers panel and change its blend mode from Normal (the default mode) to
Color. This makes sure we're changing only the colors in the image, not the brightness values:
Change the blend mode of the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to Color.
Here's my document after colorizing some of the squares red:
A few red squares have been added to the effect.
Step 21: Select And Colorize More Squares
Repeat steps 16-20 to select and colorize more squares. First select the
Grid layer in the Layers panel, then click inside a square to select it with the Magic Wand. Hold
Shift and click inside more squares to add them to the selection. Click on the
photo layer in the Layers panel to select it, then click on the
New Adjustment Layer icon and choose
Hue/Saturation. Select the
Colorize option, then choose a color with the
Hue slider and a saturation level with the
Saturation slider. Click OK to close out of the dialog box (CS3 and earlier). Finally, change the
blend mode of the new adjustment layer to
You can also use a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to completely
some of the squares, leaving them black and white. To do that, select
some squares, then add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer as you normally
would, but rather than choosing a color with the Hue slider, simply
drag the
Saturation slider all the way to the left, which will remove all the color (no need to select the Colorize option, either):
Remove all color from some squares by dragging the Saturation slider all the way to the left.
Here's my effect so far after colorizing more squares with
additional Hue/Saturation adjustment layers. In case you want to use the
same colors I did, for blue I set Hue to 200, Saturation to 30. For
Green, Hue was set to 120, Saturation 25. For Purple, Hue was 289,
Saturation 35. And as I just mentioned, for the black and white squares,
Saturation was set to -100 by dragging the slider all the way to the
The colorized grid effect so far.
Step 22: Try A Different Color Mode For Some Of The Adjustment Layers
The one problem I have with my result so far is that it
doesn't really look as bright and colorful as I was hoping for. One way
to change that is to change the
blend mode
for some of the adjustment layers. If we look in the Layers panel, we
can see all the adjustment layers I've used to colorize the squares.
There's five in total, including the one I used for the black and white
Five adjustment layers were used for the effect.
To add more interest to the image, try changing the blend
mode for some of the adjustment layers to something other than Color. To
do that, just click on the adjustment layer in the Layers panel to
select it, then change the blend mode at the top of the Layers panel.
For example, I think the red color in my image is looking a little dull,
so I'll click on the top Hue/Saturation adjustment layer in the Layers
panel to select it (since it's the one I used to add red), then I'll
change its blend mode from Color to
Selecting the red Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, then changing its blend mode to Screen.
The Screen blend mode makes things brighter but also tends
to reduce color saturation, so to compensate, with the red
Hue/Saturation adjustment layer selected, I'll go back to the
Adjustments Panel and increase the
Saturation value for red to
(for Photoshop CS3 and earlier users, click on the adjustment layer's
thumbnail in the Layers panel to re-open the Hue/Saturation dialog box
to make any changes, then click OK to close out of the dialog box):
Changing a blend mode may require adjustments to the color's saturation level.
Here's my image after changing the blend mode for red to
Screen and increasing its color saturation. Notice the red squares now
look brighter:
Screen is a popular blend mode commonly used to quickly brighten images.
I'll do the same thing with the purple Hue/Saturation
adjustment layer, first clicking on it to select it in the Layers panel,
then changing its blend mode to Screen and increasing its color
saturation to 55 in the Adjustments Panel (or dialog box in CS3 and
earlier). Other blend modes that can give you good results include
Multiply (for a darker color), as well as Overlay which will give you a
higher contrast effect but may also change the appearance of the color
itself. Here's my effect now with the red and purple squares set to the
Screen blend mode:
Different blend modes will give you different effects. Screen, Multiply and Overlay are good ones to try.
Step 23: Change The Color Of The Grid Lines To White
As a final step for the effect, lets change the appearance
of the grid lines themselves, first by changing their color from black
to white. Click on the Grid layer in the Layers panel to select it, then
click on the
Lock Transparent Pixels icon just below the blend mode option (it's the first of four icons in a row):
Click on the Lock Transparent Pixels icon.
Step 24: Fill The Grid Lines With White
With the Lock Transparent Pixels option selected on the
Grid layer, anything we do to the layer will affect only the pixels
themselves. It will not have any affect on the transparent areas. This
way, if we fill the layer with, say, white (as we're about to do), only
the grid lines will be filled with white. The transparent areas on the
layer will remain transparent.
Go up to the
Edit menu and once again choose
Fill. When the Fill dialog box appears, the
Use option should already be set to
since that's what we set it to last time, so just click OK to close out
of the dialog box. Photoshop will fill the grid lines with white:
Photoshop fills the layer with white but only the grid lines are affected.
Step 25: Add A Stroke Layer Style
If you want to increase the thickness of the grid lines, click on the
Layer Styles icon at the bottom of the Layers panel:
Click on the Layer Styles icon.
Stroke from the list of layer styles that appears:
Select Stroke from the list.
This opens Photoshop's
Layer Style dialog box set to the Stroke options in the middle column. Click on the
color swatch beside the word
Color, which opens the
Color Picker. Choose white from the Color Picker, then click OK to close out of it. With white now as the stroke color, leave the
Position set to
Outside and adjust the width of the stroke by dragging the
Size slider while keeping an eye on the document to judge the result. I'm going to set my stroke's size to
2 px (pixels):
Change the color of the stroke to white, then adjust its width with the Size slider.
Click OK to close out of the Layer Style dialog box, and we're done! Here is my final color grid effect:
The final result.